My heartfelt thanks go out to the hundreds of book clubs and reading groups I have heard from since SAVING MAX was released in 2010! It is because of all of you that SAVING MAX hit the USA Today Bestseller’s List and has continued to be such a success! It was very unexpected for me as a debut author to receive the outpouring of emails and posts, which have continued unabated in the three years since publication. Perhaps it is most gratifying because so many letters and emails have been from parents of children with autism, thanking me for bringing the subject out into the open, from autistic teenagers who identified with Max, and from teachers who were so taken with the novel that they put it on their students’ reading lists. It has all been an amazing experience for me.
Book clubs are the key to literacy in our digital age. From infancy forward, we are now a world of Web readers. The local book club can be the physical place in town where we meet every month, eat dinner, drink a glass of wine, smile at one another and chat about what we’ve read. In small towns, it increases the sense of community and fosters new friendships. In larger cities, it brings together those of us who might never meet. Or at any given moment we can click on a myriad of amazing digital book clubs and reach across cities, states and countries to come together and discuss literature, each bringing our own cultural, educational and life experiences to the party. The book club is the foundation upon which we now read the new and old, share our views with other book lovers, and continue to revel in the joy of simply being a reader.
I love to talk to book clubs! If your book club is interested in having me participate in a live discussion via Skype, Twitter chat or the occasional telephone conference, please send me an email and, if I have sufficient notice, I will do my best to participate.
While I can’t promise to accommodate every club, I do make an effort to respond to inquiries personally and make myself available whenever possible.
Contact Me!
Please comment on the blog, review, and click around on my website when the urge strikes. I read every email you send to me and do my best to respond promptly as I so appreciate your taking the time to give me your thoughts. I must admit that when I am writing, I do tend to lose track of my own universe. Although historically derelict in social media, I am now turning over a new leaf!
– Antoinette.
Book Club Discussion Questions (click the book cover to see questions):