As I sit here writing this, I still can’t believe that today has arrived! There is nothing like the feeling of pub date. Sending your baby off into the world, hoping your readers will fall into the story as you did when writing it. I am already so gratified that readers of SAVING MAX have contacted me and told me they can’t wait to read THE TULIP EATERS.
I know what I’ll be thinking about today. My husband, my first-line editor who has put up with every ridiculous moment of whining, complaining and, ultimately, joy. My agent, Al Zuckerman, who is brilliant and infallible when it comes to creating a work of fiction, my partner in crime. My children, who support me without reservation. My friends, who encourage me when I’m spitting nails. My life and how I ever managed to be so lucky, so blessed with family and friends. And most of all, I’ll think about writing. And how it is easier to stop breathing than to stop putting those words on the blank page.
Thank you all!